Student representatives

The Fachschaftsrat (FSR) is your student representative at the faculty level. The members deal with all matters concerning studies, examinations and consultations within the faculty.

There are currently ten FSR student representatives who represent the respective student representatives. The student council and FSR that can help you depends on your field of study.

Due to the size of the student council, the FSR Phil is supported by numerous expert groups.


  • Study-specific counselling
  • Consultation times
  • Informative events
  • Mediation between students and lecturers
  • Conducting surveys (for the evaluation and quality assurance of teaching)
  • Organization of the O-Phase
  • Organization of events (e. g. summer party of the student councils, student council parties)


The members are elected once a year directly by the students of the student council. Every student of the Fachschaft can stand for election. For more information, email us or contact the students of your current FSR.


The FSR is an important component of student self-administration: there is no FSR without cooperating students. Therefore, your cooperation as a member, as a non-elected helper is important!

(legal basis: §6 basic rules of the student body; §25 SächsHSFG)
