Laws and regulations

Sächsisches Hochschulgesetz

This law (in short: SächsHSG; Saxon Higher Education Law) forms the basis for all Saxon state universities within the framework of German educational federalism. Things like university planning and financing, the structure of the university, the committee structure, the student body and general points on the subject of studying and teaching, such as quality assurance, graduation, but also regulations for employees and professors as well as central institutions of the universities are anchored here.

Grundordnung of the Chemnitz University of Technology

The Grundordnung (Basic Regulation) of Chemnitz University of Technology supplements and specifies the regulations of the to the Sächsisches Hochschulfreiheitsgesetz.

Regulations of the student body

As a statutory body the student body (which includes all students of the Chemnitz University of Technology) has the right to regulate its internal order (within a certain framework). Obligatory regulations include the division into faculty student bodies, the amount of the semester contribution, the drawing up of the budget and the elections. This protects the representatives on the one hand and the students on the other.

Grundordnung of the Student Body

The Grundordnung of the student body regulates the structure of the student body and forms the basis for student self-administration as a partial body under public law. All other regulations are directly or indirectly based on the Basic Regulations.


The Geschäftsordnung (rules of procedure) mainly regulate the procedure and the course of the meetings of the StuRa. They specify the deadline for invitations, how motions are to be dealt with, how resolutions are to be passed and some more details.


The Wahlordnung (regulation of election) of the student body govern the modalities of the election of the student bodies, i.e. the student representatives and the student council. This includes how the election committee is formed, on how many consecutive days elections are held, what election proposals must look like, what deadlines must be met, etc. The election regulations of the student body do not apply to the elections of student members to the faculty councils and the senate. These are regulated by the election regulations of the university.


In order to fulfil its numerous tasks according to the SächsHSFG, the student body collects contributions from its members, the students. Both the student councils and the student council finance their work from this pot. In addition, the numerous student initiatives benefit from these funds. This contribution is part of the semester fee.

The semester contribution also includes the contribution for the Student_innen-Jahresticket and for the Student_innen-Kulturticket. The contribution regulations also regulate the possibilities for exemption from the Student_innen-Jahresticket.


The Finanzordnung (financial regulations) of the student body regulate in detail how the parts of the student body (StuRa and FSR) have to deal with the funds allocated to them. It defines how the budget is set up, what happens if it is overdrawn, who is authorised to sign for which accounts, how the annual financial statement is made and how the whole thing is documented. It also contains regulations on the finances of the student clubs that belong to the student body.

Regulation of the Commission for the Handling of Discrimination Cases

These regulations govern the handling of reports of cases of discrimination at the TU Chemnitz by a commission of the Student Council set up specifically for this purpose.


The threew student clubs PEB, FPM and the filmclub Mittendrin are formally subordinate to the Student Council. The corresponding regulations stipulate their tasks, but above all also their membership and financing.

Chemnitzer StudentenNetz-Ordnung

The Chemnitzer StudentenNetz (CSN) takes care that the students living in the student housing of the Studentenwek can use the almost unlimited possibilities of the internet. This facility is seen as similar to a student club and must therefore also have an order.

Regulations of the Studentenwerk

There are four Studentenwerke in Saxony. These are state institutions, are co-financed by the state and are subject to the Hochschulfreiheitsgesetz. Similar to the organs of the university, our Studentenwerk, which is responsible for the students of the TU Chemnitz as well as the students of the Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau (Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau), must also have its own rules and regulations, which cover points such as areas of responsibility, organisation, and finances. You can find the current regulations on the website of the Studentenwerk .