Information about the Student Annual Ticket
Contact in case of problems
Always send applications and questions via email to: stura-ticket(x)
*please use @ instead of (x)
In a nutshell: Scope, applications
Area of validity
The ticket is valid in the following associations in all means of public transport
- Verkehrsverbund Mittelsachsen (VMS)
- Verkehrsverbund Vogtland (VVV)
- Zweckverband Verkehrsverbund Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien (ZVON)
The ticket is valid in the rest of Saxony on all local rail passenger services (SPNV) as well as on the IC 17 between Chemnitz Hbf. and Dresden Hbf.
The ticket is not valid on special rail transport (e.g. narrow-gauge railways) with the exception of the Döllnitzbahn and the Zittauer Schmalspurbahn (only with a paid reduced history fee; can be redeemed on site).
Details can be found under the question "Where can I travel with the Student Annual Ticket?"
Application for exemption/refund
Application for exemption/refund of ticket fee
Applications should be submitted by post or email to
For further guidance on how to proceed, see the question "How can I get a ticket exemption or refund?"
What is the Student Annual Ticket?
The Student Annual Ticket is a discounted transport ticket for all students of Chemnitz University of Technology. It is valid in many areas of Saxony, including on all local trains. The fee is paid upon enrolment or re-registration. Since the ticket is based on the solidarity principle, an attractive offer for the use of large parts of the local public transport system (ÖPNV) in Saxony can be created for a price that is arithmetically lower than the price for the monthly ticket in Chemnitz.
What is a valid ticket for the Student Annual Ticket?
The TU Chemnitz student card (TUC Card) with the valid semester imprint and V STIK imprint is valid as a ticket for the Student Annual Ticket. In addition, the Student Annual Ticket Replacement Card issued in the event of a partial exemption or refund of the Student Annual Ticket and in exceptional cases by StuRa in conjunction with a valid photo ID is valid as a ticket.
The TUC Card and the ticket imprint may not be tampered with in any way, as this will render the ticket invalid. Students whose ticket imprint on the TUC card is no longer legible or only barely legible should contact Student Service. StuRa would like to point out once again that the ticket imprint valid for the respective semester must be clearly legible!
Where can I travel with the Student Annual Ticket?
Verkehrsverbund Mittelsachsen (VMS)
The Student Annual Ticket is valid on all means of public transport in the VMS. The VMS is the association in and around Chemnitz (see map). This includes buses, trams and trains of the local rail passenger transport. Excluded from this are special means of transport such as mountain railways, cable cars and narrow-gauge railways as well as long-distance buses. The ticket is not valid there.
For journeys within the VMS, the VMS Tariff Regulations and Conditions of Carriage apply. For journeys across the association border, the corresponding rules apply up to the last stop or from the first stop on the territory of the VMS. Notwithstanding this, for journeys from the VMS to the VVV, the ticket is also valid for the transition between the two associations.
Trains of the local rail passenger transport (SPNV)
The Student Annual Ticket is valid in second class on all local rail passenger trains within Saxony. A map with all connections can be found HERE. The ticket is valid until the last scheduled stop or from the first scheduled stop on the territory of the Free State of Saxony (grey line). The ticket is valid on the trains of the railway companies listed below:
- Deutsche Bahn AG (DB): S, RB, RE, IRE
- Die Länderbahn GmbH (Brands: vogtlandbahn and trilex): VBG, TLX, TL
- Mitteldeutsche Regiobahn (joint brand of Transdev Regio Ost GmbH (Transdev) and Bayerische Oberlandbahn GmbH (BOB): MRB
- Ostdeutsche Eisenbahn GmbH: OE
- Erfurter Bahn: EB, EBx
- Döllnitzbahn GmbH
- Abellio Rail Mitteldeutschland GmbH: ARB
Outside Saxony, the ticket is valid on the route sections listed below.
- in Brandenburg
- Prösen East - Elsterwerda/Biehla
- Prösen West - Elsterwerda - Elsterwerda/Biehla,
- Ortrand - Ruhland - Hosena
- Rehfeld - Falkenberg - Elsterwerda/Biehla - Ruhland
- in Thuringia
- Regis-Breitingen - Gößnitz - Crimmitschau
- Gößnitz - Meerane
- in Czech Republic
- Großschönau - Seifhennersdorf
- in Poland
- Hagenwerder - Hirschfelde
For journeys to destinations outside the borders of the Free State of Saxony, a ticket must be purchased up to the first transport stop or from the last transport stop in Saxony, except in the above-mentioned cases. In addition, the following exceptions and notes apply:
In combination with the respective Länderticket (Bayern-Ticket, Berlin-Brandenburg-Ticket, Sachsen-Anhalt-Ticket and Thüringen-Ticket), a cross-border journey is possible without additional tickets.
The ticket is valid on IC 17 between Chemnitz Hbf and Dresden Hbf, but not on other long-distance trains (e.g. IC/EC, ICE, CNL/EN, InterConnex, VogtlandExpress, FlixTrain) and special rail transport (e.g. narrow-gauge railways) except for the Döllnitzbahn and the Zittauer Schmalspurbahn (see paragraph ZVON). For journeys with the SPNV in Saxony, the conditions of carriage of the respective railway company apply.
Verkehrsverbund Vogtland (VVV)
The Student Annual Ticket is valid on all bus and tram lines in the VVV. The VVV is located in the south-west of Saxony (see map). For journeys on bus and tram lines in the VVV, the VVV transport regulations apply. For journeys beyond the borders of the VVV, the ticket is valid from the first or until the last transport stop in the VVV. For journeys from the VVV to the VMS, the ticket is also valid for the transition between the two associations.
Zweckverband Verkehrsverbund Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien (ZVON)
The student annual ticket is valid on all bus and tram lines in the ZVON. The ZVON is located east of Dresden (see map). For journeys beyond the borders of the ZVON, the ticket is valid from the first or to the last transport stop in the ZVON. For journeys on bus and tram lines in the ZVON, the ZVON Conditions of Carriage and Tariff Regulations apply.
The ticket is also valid on the Zittau narrow-gauge railway in conjunction with a payed history fee of EUR 5 (reduced), which can be redeemed on site.
Am I entitled to the normal passenger rights when using the Student Annual Ticket?
The Student Annual Ticket is a ticket with a considerably reduced fare within the meaning of § 5 of the Railway Traffic Regulations (Eisenbahnverkehrsordnung - EVO). Therefore, reimbursement of the necessary expenses for the use of another train based on §17 para. 1 no. 1 EVO in conjunction with §17 para. 2 EVO does not take place.
Claims beyond the area of validity of the Student Annual Ticket (e.g. missing a connecting train of a higher value within the area of validity) are not part of the passenger rights and will not be reimbursed. This is due to two different transport contracts. The passenger is only entitled to reimbursement/compensation if there is a continuous check-in, i.e. the start and destination are shown on the ticket.
Can I take my bike with me free of charge?
It is not possible to take a bicycle along free of charge with the Student Annual Ticket in the entire area of its validity. In principle, the possibility of taking your bike with you depends on the conditions of carriage applicable in each case. The following lines explain the situation for the individual areas and draw attention to special cases.
In the entire VMS, it is possible to take a bicycle with the Student Annual Ticket free of charge on all means of transport, provided that the means of transport has the appropriate space capacity. In the event of a larger group, for example in the case of a bicycle tour, it is advisable to contact VMS or the transport company in advance to find out the capacity of the vehicles used or to register the group.
For train journeys that begin and end within the VMS, VVV or MDV, free bicycle transport is possible on all routes. The same applies to train journeys that start in the VMS and end in the VVV (or vice versa). In addition, the following regulations apply to free bicycle transport:
Mitteldeutsche Regiobahn: Bicycle transport is free of charge except on the territory of the Verkehrsverbund Oberelbe (VVO). You can find the details HERE.
Erfurter Bahn: Bicycles can be taken along free of charge. You can find the details HERE.
Abellio Rail Mitteldeutschland: Bicycles can be taken along free of charge. You can find the details HERE.
On all other routes, a bicycle day ticket of the respective association (for journeys within the association ZVON or VVO ) or of Deutsche Bahn (for journeys across network boundaries).
Bicycles can be taken along free of charge on buses and trams in the VVV. For trains on the territory of the VVV, see SPNV.
For journeys by bus or tram within the ZVON, a bicycle ticket is required for the bicycle. In addition to day tickets, the ZVON also offers season tickets for bicycles. The exact regulations can be HERE can be found here.
May I take other people with me?
It is not possible to bring other persons with the exception of your own children up to the age of 15 (i.e. until their 15th birthday).
Can I bring my own children?
Yes, you can take your own children up to the age of 15 (i.e. until their 15th birthday) on all routes of the Student Annual Ticket free of charge.
How do I reach adjacent destinations outside the scope?
For destinations outside Saxony, a ticket must be drawn from the last stop in Saxony. Similarly, for journeys starting outside Saxony, a ticket must be purchased up to the first stop in Saxony. Exceptions apply for state tickets of neighbouring federal states. Please also note the regulations under the question "Where can I travel with the Student Annual Ticket?", as areas outside Saxony are listed there where the ticket is valid.
Can I use adjacent country tickets (Ländertickets) without having to buy a transit ticket?
Yes, in combination with the respective Länderticket (Bayern-Ticket, Berlin-Brandenburg-Ticket, Sachsen-Anhalt-Ticket and Thüringen-Ticket), it is possible to continue your journey across the state border without additional tickets.
How much is the fee for the Student Annual Ticket?
The fee for the Student Annual Ticket is agreed with the participating transport companies every two years and is therefore subject to constant change. The current contribution as well as the development of the contribution can be found at Semester Contribution.
How can I get an exemption or refund from the ticket?
Requirements for an exemption or refund
Holders of the "Beiblattes des Versorgungsamtes" (supplementary certificate from the pension office) with a valid "Wertmarke" (token, according to SGB IX) for the severely disabled ID are exempt from the obligation to pay for the Student Annual Ticket at their own request. In order to prove the requirements, it is sufficient to present the severely disabled person's ID card with supplementary certificate and token to the Student Service before enrolment or re-registration. The token must be valid for the whole semester.
Students who can prove that they meet one of the following requirements for at least three consecutive months within the validity period of the Student Annual Ticket can apply for exemption or refund.
- Possession of an ALG-II certificate for themselves or their own dependent children,
- Exmatriculation
- Stay outside the area of validity of the Student Annual Ticket for one of the following study-related reasons:
- Semester off
- Completion of a degree dissertation
- carrying out an internship
- Studying at another university
- For secondary students only: Possession of a semester ticket/annual ticket from the home university.
Writing a (final) thesis outside Saxony is regularly not a study-relevant reason without proof of necessity.
Application procedure
The application form must be completed and submitted to StuRa before the start of the period requested for exemption or refund. If the reason for the application exists in more than one semester, an application must be submitted for each semester. The two pages of the application form must be on one sheet of paper. Proof can be provided in the form of internship or Master's thesis contracts, confirmation of a stay abroad, exmatriculation certificates or similar. The application documents can be submitted in person, by post, by fax or by e-mail to StuRa:
StuRa TU Chemnitz
Referat Verkehr
Thüringer Way 11
09126 Chemnitz
Fax: +49 371 531-16009
StuRa will confirm receipt and decide whether an exemption is possible. This is the case if the application is submitted to StuRa before re-registration for the semester in question, including evidence of the entire semester. If the re-registration already took place before the application was submitted or the reason for exemption cannot be proven for the entire semester, only a refund will be considered.
After submission to StuRa, Student Service must confirm on the form that the TUC Card does not yet have a Student Annual Ticket imprint for the exemption period, or that this has been removed. If a personal visit to Student Service is not possible, the TUC-Card must be sent in for checking. Student Service will contact you to have the imprint removed if necessary.
If an exemption has been approved, you can re-register for the Student Annual Ticket without paying the fee after receiving confirmation from Student Service. In the case of a refund, you still have until 31 January for the winter semester and until 31 July for the summer semester to apply. Proof can be submitted up to 15 February for the winter semester and up to 15 August for the summer semester. After these deadlines, a decision on the approval of the reimbursement will be made on the basis of the available documents.
Approved refunds will be transferred by StuRa by the end of the following semester.
In cases of particular hardship, further applications for exemption or reimbursement can be submitted informally to StuRa. In this case, we strongly recommend that you contact the StuRa Transport Department before submitting your application in order to clarify which documents should be submitted.
Do I also receive the Student Annual Ticket as a "Nebenhörer_in" (secondary student)?
Yes, since the 2016 summer semester, the Student Union Fee Regulations have also applied in full to secondary students. They are therefore obliged to pay the contribution to the Student Union as well as the contribution for the Student Annual Ticket. It will be collected by TU Chemnitz when the secondary studentship is extended. The regulations for exemption and reimbursement also apply.
The current fee as well as the development of the fee can be found at Semester Contribution.
Students who already have a semester ticket/annual ticket valid in Saxony from another university can apply to be exempted from the TUC student annual ticket (application before re-registration) or receive a refund (application after re-registration). For this purpose, proof of the purchase of the semester ticket at the home university for the semester in question is required (copy of the student ID with imprint for the semester in question).