Article from August 06, 2023
Student Annual Ticket from winter semester 2023/24 and Deutschlandticket Upgrade
As you have surely all noticed, the price for the Student Annual Ticket has increased significantly for the winter semester 2023/24 - more than ever in the past ten years.
As StuRa, it is our goal to continue to ensure the mobility of all students at reasonable prices. We therefore expressly disagree with the current price development. This is not only related to the relative and absolute price increase, but also to the dwindling gap to the Deutschlandticket with 49 EUR per month.
However, for the period starting in the coming winter semester, the transport companies have taken the opportunity to pass on the price increases resulting from the current economic crisis to our ticket as well. During the negotiations, we tried our best to keep the price increase as low as possible.
When the final prices were fixed, we as StuRa discussed and wrestled over the future of the ticket. In addition to the continuation in the current scope, there was also the continuation with less coverage (and thus a price reduction) and a cancellation in the room.
In the end, we decided to continue the ticket in the usual scope, because we believe that in a solidarity model, the best can be achieved for the majority of our students. At EUR 31.88 per month, our ticket is still by far the cheapest option for mobility within Saxony - there is no cheaper offer, even if you only consider Chemnitz city transport.
With the increase of the price for the Student Annual Ticket, the price for the Deutschlandticket Upgrade decreases, so that also from the coming semester a total of 49 EUR per month has to be paid for the Deutschlandticket. We plan to simplify the procedure significantly and are in consultation with all stakeholders. As soon as there is news, we will let you know.
We are looking forward to the developments around a solidarity-financed discounted Deutschlandticket as a semester ticket and hope to be able to introduce this within the next two years.
Posted in Traffic and mobility department, Home page on Aug 06, 2023